Secrets Entrepreneurs Use to Master Mindfulness

Meet Julie, the founder of the JMB Living Journal, a daily guidebook that gently infuses positivity and mindfulness into people’s lives. The journal is not just a planner but also has practical tips, information, and stories to keep readers coming back for more. But what makes Julie so fascinating is that she hasn’t always been this balanced, zen, and chill person. She was a tax manager who used to work crazy hours without taking a day off. She practiced yoga and mindfulness while still stressing herself out.

In this blog post, we explore Julie’s journey, why she created JMB Living Journal, what life was like before, and what had to happen for her to make the shift from someone who was high-strung and anxious to someone who has more joy, mindfulness, and balance in her life.

Julie’s journey started when she resigned from her job as a tax manager to follow something more passionate for her. She came across the idea for the JMB Living Journal when she realized that it had been a couple of months since she had used her planner. She wanted to take something that people use every day and infuse the tools that had helped her over the years to stay more balanced and deal with some of the difficulties in her life. Julie had to make a big shift in her life when her anxiety and overwhelm were stopping her from moving forward. She had to take meditation seriously and dig into what was causing her stress and anxiety. 

For Julie, mindfulness is a journey that continues to evolve, and she believes it’s a practice that anyone can learn and get better at. That’s why she created the JMB Living Journal: to help people start living mindfully day by day and learning and practicing more. Julie knows that mindfulness is a buzzword that gets misconstrued and misrepresented, and she wants to talk more about what it means.


We live in a society that glorifies busyness. We are constantly encouraged to work harder, longer, and faster. But at what cost? Our mental health, physical health, and overall well-being can suffer when we neglect to take breaks and prioritize self-care.

In a conversation between two successful entrepreneurs, they discuss the importance of taking breaks and how they can make you more productive in the long run. They emphasize that taking small breaks, like morning meditations or even just taking a lunch break, can make a huge difference in how effective and focused you are. When you slow down and take the time for yourself, you can remember the things that make you happy and bring joy back into your life.

It’s important to remember that we don’t always have to be in “go mode.” Taking breaks and practicing mindfulness can help us refocus and prioritize what’s important to us. It doesn’t take a lot of time to bring joy back into our lives, and we can work it into the balance between our work and personal lives. By prioritizing our mental and physical health, we can become more productive and fulfilled in our work and personal lives.

If you’re struggling to take breaks, try starting small with a five-minute meditation or taking your lunch break to focus solely on eating and being present at the moment. It may take time to see the results, but trust in the process and prioritize your well-being. You may find that you become more effective and focused in the long run, all while enjoying life’s simple pleasures.


One habit that has been proven to have many benefits is mindfulness. While the term “mindfulness” has become a buzzword in recent years, it’s essential to understand what it means and how it can benefit us.

Mindfulness is the intentional practice of paying attention to the present moment, without judgment. It involves focusing our attention on our thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, as well as the world around us.

One way to practice mindfulness is through meditation. Taking a few minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on our breath can help us reduce stress and increase our focus and productivity throughout the day. However, meditation isn’t the only way to practice mindfulness. We can also be mindful while going about our daily activities, such as taking a walk or washing dishes. The key is to be present at the moment, fully engaging our senses and paying attention to what we’re doing.

Another habit that can have a significant impact on our productivity and overall well-being is getting enough bright light in the morning. Exposure to natural light, especially in the morning, can help regulate our circadian rhythms, increase our alertness, and improve our mood. If you can, try to spend some time outside in the morning, even if it’s just for a few minutes. If you can’t get out, turning on bright lights in your home can also be helpful.

Additionally, taking a few minutes each morning to ask yourself a question and wait for an answer can help spark creativity and generate new ideas. Sitting quietly and focusing on a specific question, without trying to force an answer, can allow our minds to make connections and come up with new solutions to problems.

Finally, taking breaks throughout the day can also be beneficial for our productivity and well-being. Research has shown that short breaks throughout the day can help us stay focused and reduce stress. Whether it’s taking a walk, doing a few stretches, or simply stepping away from our work for a few minutes, taking breaks can help us recharge and come back to our tasks with renewed focus and energy.

In conclusion, we can develop many simple habits to stay focused and centered throughout the day. Practicing mindfulness, getting enough bright light in the morning, asking ourselves questions, and taking breaks can all have a significant impact on our productivity and overall well-being. By incorporating these habits into our daily routine, we can become more productive, creative, and fulfilled individuals.

Learn more about the JMB Living Journal at:

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