EP – 105 How to grow from entrepreneur to business buff : Feat Sacha Brant
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EP - 105 How to grow from entrepreneur to business buff : Feat Sacha Brant

    Introduction: Get Your Time Back   My guest today is Sacha Brant. There was a point when I was in desperate need of someone to help give me back my time. I had outsourced multiple times and ended up having to micro-manage every thing. Through one of our business groups I was able to find Sacha who is the founder of Sassy Lasses. A business built to optimize and take care of your pain points as an entrepreneur. This allowed me take back the time I was losing doing back end things I did not want to deal with.       [3:35] Identifying Areas of Support       Sacha’s business is to help support small business owners and entrepreneurs. It’s about the little guys. Sassy Lasses is her way to help others utilize their skills to maximize their potential. She does this by taking on the support pieces so owners can focus on what matters most; The Business She started out wearing every hat a business owner has to wear. It was through this process, she is able to identify areas where you need support. There are even areas where you Might not see you need support. When you’re in a fast-paced environment it’s easy to not see what you’re missing. Sassy Lasses is completely diversified so they can help you in every area you need. When you strengthen your businesses team it begins to strengthen your inner core. Sacha wants to give you a better sense of self and a better sense of direction.   [06:02] Rebuilding Yourself   Sacha hasn’t always had as much control in her life and business as she does now. She led a life of struggle and only began to take control in her adult years. She’s gone through therapy and was trapped in an abusive relationship. Despite this being a life of traumatic experiences, she looks at it as one of the most formative things to happen to her.   Broken down both emotionally and mentally. Sacha learned how to rebuild herself through her business and being a entrepreneur. She was than able to apply those same techniques to helping others businesses.   In a world where to many people chose to blame every one else for the state of there lives. Sacha chose to rise above her past and us it as fuel to propel herself into the future.     [09:43] Keeping To Your Values   Sacha was employed full-time before taking on her business. She identified that she was working undervalues that just didn’t fit her. Small Business clients weren’t getting the same treatment as higher paying clients. This was a driving factor to starting her business.   Sacha wants to help these small businesses that seem to get pushed to the wayside. She wants to provide an experience. One where you look as good as you feel. You need to move forward and grow to be successful. Sacha finds inspiration by giving new life to their businesses.   [10:57] Managing High Volume   A high volume of business can sometimes cause issues with quality. Sacha is always on the hunt for new talent. Sacha utilizes a network of contractors to ensure work always gets done on time. Regardless of incoming volume, she is able to continue to provide high-quality service. You need to be able to inspire and lead people. Nurturing your network will provide high-quality talent.   [14:00] Struggles of Entrepreneurs   A lot of businesses struggle with getting their messages out. Everybody knows in their mind what they think they’re brand should be. However, it’s difficult to put yourself in the place of the consumer. Your brand needs to have a core of yourself so you can connect with your clients.   Consistency in messaging is key. Once your brand is heard you need to ensure it is on multiple platforms. What the message is and how it is delivered needs to be tailored to that platform and demographics. Include your values in your messaging to make that connection.   Your message also needs to deliver value. Ask yourself what you have to give to your consumer.   [17:14] Branding   When you have a product to market you need validation and proof of concept. You need to start with your core audience and who you can connect with the best. This is why it’s very important to have a clear brand message.   Once you have your followers you can amplify your brand and your message will spread. You shouldn’t try to reach out to a broad audience too early. You need to specialize in a niche, determine what your target audience needs and provide that to them.   [19:12] Journey to Finding Your Passion   Sassy Lasses originally began as an event planning and virtual office company. Sacha used to plan events and identifies this as one of her biggest mistakes.   She learned that event planning wasn’t something that was passionate for her. She had partnered with someone who she ended up having to talk away from. It’s very important to not only do something that you’re passionate about but to surround yourself with people who have that passion.   Sacha’s past gave her an advantage towards finding her passion after rebranding. Failure isn’t an option for Sacha because you only fail if you stop trying. You assume that if you don’t get the end result you want on your first try, that you failed. Whenever you think you’ve failed, you’ve actually succeeded.   You need to take your failures and look at them as an opportunity and learning experience. They’re also successes because now you can build a new process around them.   You need to have the proper mindset. Instead of complaining, you need to change your mindset to identifying the problem and finding the resolution. Find out what makes you happy. Grab on to what you enjoy and apply those talents to monetize yourself. Everyone has something that someone else wants or needs.   [25:40] Self Improvement   Most people are afraid to bring their idea to market. Whether that be because of rejection or plagiarism.   Sacha is launching a new program called Re-Self University. Individuals will be given the building blocks to find themselves and improve themselves. You get lost in what everyone else wants you to do or thinks you should do. Sacha wants to help you find yourself again.   Sometimes you hit that comfort zone and as an entrepreneur you need to learn to re-train yourself to grow and challenge yourself. If you don’t your past mindsets could cause you to sabotage yourself.   We are responsible for our self-improvement and being proactive about it. This will begin to pour out into your relationships and business. Sacha found that there weren’t many outlets for emotional regulation and logic mind. She wants to help you find that balance between the two.

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