48 – How To Discover Your Customer Avatar To Hit Your Funding Goals | feat. Ryan Battles
Crowdfunding Uncut | Kickstarter| Indiegogo | Where Entrepreneurs Get Funded
Crowdfunding Uncut | Kickstarter| Indiegogo | Where Entrepreneurs Get Funded
48 - How To Discover Your Customer Avatar To Hit Your Funding Goals | feat. Ryan Battles

Imagine you are a general looking over a battlefield and you want to launch a devastating artillery attack.

In the 1800’s, this wasn’t so difficult. The enemy was lined up on one side of the battlefield and you were on the other.

You’d know where to aim.


Marketing is significantly more complicated.

Your potential customers aren’t lined up in the middle of a field ready for you to introduce yourself, show them your product, and have 100% of them buy it immediately. You have to go out into the world and find them.

They could be in their homes, in the park, on the subway, on a farm, at the climbing gym, or watching a ball game.

Turns out that finding the people that need your product or service is the single most important problem you as the entrepreneur have to solve.


Without a paying customer, by definition, you don’t have a business.

And if you are just starting your business then you probably can’t waste too many “bullets” on ineffective advertising campaigns that target the wrong people!

How do you find just the right customer and effectively position your product to that customer so that they make the decision to BUY?

You must discover your Customer Avatar.

In this episode, you will meet the author of Saas Marketing Essentials, cofounder of Harpoon App, freelancer, and kick ass stay at home dad, Ryan Battles.

Ryan was a computer science high school teacher until his wife became pregnant with twins. Day care prices being what they were, he decided to become a stay at home dad and take on freelance web development in between his children’s naps.

After a lot of wasted time cold calling and going to networking events, Ryan took some time, defined his own customer avatar and his business took off.

In this episode, Ryan will walk you through how he did it then and how he does it now.

You will learn:

  • What is a Customer Avatar?
  • Why your Avatar is so crucial for your business and crowdfunding success
  • How to go on a Sales Safari to learn more about your Customer Avatar
  • The one simple tool Ryan uses every time he is building a new product or service
  • Why you should test all of your assumptions (hint: because they are probably WRONG)


Show Notes:

Ryan’s Blog

Ryan’s post about Defining Your Customer Avatar

SaaS Marketing Essentials

Harpoon – Freelancer Finance

Ryan on twitter: @ryanbattles


Free mind

Shopify -or- Kickstarter? That is the question!

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