Brand Audit: What Prose Does Extremely Well To STAND OUT

In this video I’m going to be sharing a brand audit of one of our favorite brands, Prose Hair. Prose is an innovative hair care line that has implemented customization and personal touch at scale. They’re killing it in 3 areas: custom care and experience, brand differentiation in the industry, and clearly communicating their unique selling point.

As a marketer and as a consumer, it’s exciting to be able to analyze the products and brands that we love and use daily. And so today, I walk you through the entire Prose Hair customer journey.

When you build a website, your visitors need to be able to tell what you’re about within the first 15 seconds. Prose has taken their USP to the next level, immediately differentiating their product from other competitors.

Prose is brilliant at custom care. They want to know what formula is best suited for you, so they ask their customers to fill out a comprehensive survey to make sure their product works specifically for you. How awesome is that?

As part of its unique selling point, Prose positions itself as a solution in the hair care industry and clearly separates itself from the problematic approach to hair care that big industry haircare brands have. This encourages their customers to buy into their cause, discouraging them from ever consuming mass-produced hair care products again.

Their subscription model is also groundbreaking! Watch the entire video to see what it’s like, and to know all about our brand audit of Prose Hair.

Khierstyn – Founder and CEO at

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